
Below is a list of legistlation we are closely following:
- Covid-19 Public Health Emergency Declaration ends 5/11/23 per U.S. President
- PA102-1143 - Illinois Secure Choice Savings Program Act - Paid leave for any Entitled to earn/use
min of 40 hours of paid leave during 12-month period as of 1/1/24 - other than those
under collective bargaining agreements with waivers - signed 3/13/23
- HB0995 - Educational Credit for Election Judges Act- Passed House, Senate Executive 4/12/23
- Amendment 1 - Each of higher ed adopt policy regarding awarding acad. credit or non-credit
alt to be submitted to IBHE or ICCB before 6/30/24
- HB1097- Higher Ed Grant for dependents of exonerated persons {3 amendments) - Rules Committee
- HB1408 - Open Meetings Act - Amendment to conditions for audio/video conference w/o physical
quorum - Rules Committee 3/10/23
- HB1767 - Remove IL residency requirement - Passed House and is in Senate Higher Education
- HB2049 - School Harassment - If know that higher ed rep harasses, but no disciplinary action
taken by institution (that is aware), then is a civil rights Establish, Implement,
Maintain continuing race-related discrimination and harassment program by 8/1/24 -
Rules Committee 3/10/23
- HB2589 - Tier Ill Pension Reform - Rules Committee 2/15/23
- HB3034/SB2300 - First Monday of November in even years shall be Election Day- House Rules
Committee 3/10/23 Senate Assignments 3/31/23
- SB1516 - IL Pension Code amendment - SERS has to prepare/implement a defined contribution
plan by 7/1/25 that combines State and employee contributions in individual participant
accounts that are used for payouts after retirement - Assignments 2/8/23
- SB1243 - Line of Duty Disability for Police Officers - Assignments 2/2/23
- SB1115 - Passed Senate, House Rules Committee 4/11/23
- HB3349 - Financial Literacy Training Program Grants - Amend IBHE act to require award of
grant to develop/deliver in-person financial literacy training prog for public employees-
Passed House, Senate Assignments 3/23/23
- HB3519(3520) - Tier II Pension Benefits amendments able to retire after 20 years when age 60 (55),
67 w/10 years (highest of 5/l0years) - Rules Committee 3/10/23
- SB2024 - Tier II Benefits - retire at 60 w/35 years or 62 w/10 years, eliminates reduction
in benefits if retire between 62 and 67 (highest of 6/10 years, instead of 8/10) -Assignments
Bills similar to previous HB1172{?):
- HB0020/SB0296 - Rules Committee 1/12/23/Assignments 2/2/23
- HB0307/SB0337 - Rules Committee 3/27/23/Assignments 2/2/23
- new HB1172 - Rules Committee 1/31/23
- HB1619/SB0482 - Rules Committee 2/1/23/Assignments 3/31/23
- HB1620/SB1265 - Rules Committee 2/1/23/Assignments 2/3/23
- HB1766/SB1381- Rules Committee 3/27/23/Assignments 2/6/23